You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it. ~Albert Einstein
Roulette Strategies, Systems & Tips To Win
Many of the greatest minds over the past 200 years have studied the game of roulette and its history. Their goal was to develop a strategy whereby they could predictably “beat” the game. As we’ve mentioned elsewhere on this site, the house edge for American roulette is 5.26% (except for a 0-00-1-2-3 combo which raises the house edge to 7.89%). As such, infallible systems do not exist. It is rumored that Einstein himself, after careful study, remarked that the only reliable system for winning roullette was “to steal the money when the dealer’s not looking.”

The roulette table gives you tons of betting options.
That said, there are many strategies which experienced players use to hedge their bets and conserve their chips. Below, we’ll explain three of these roulette strategies. To use them, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of both inside and outside roulette bets.
Can You Win? How?
First, the bad news. There are no roulette betting systems that can yield a reliable profit over the long run. The Martingale, Labouchere, D’Alembert, and other popular strategies have flaws. We’ve been playing roulette a long time and have used each of these systems. They can help you win at roulette over the short term, but the house edge will prevail over the long-term.
Having said that, there are a few strategies that you can use to hedge your bets and possibly walk away from the table – or your computer – a winner. On this page, we’ll explain how you can make your money last a little longer and give yourself a better chance to win at roulette.
In American roullette the house has an edge of 5.26%. They will always have that edge. To understand your exposure, think about it like this:
There are 38 slots on the wheel. You’re paid 1 to 1 (or even money) for hitting a red number or black number, depending upon which color you place your wager. Imagine betting on black for 38 spins. The ball will either hit red or black nearly every time. The only exception is when the ball lands on zero or double zero. That’s where the house has their 5.26% edge.
Over hundreds of thousands of spins, that 5.26% edge will emerge. There is no stopping it. So, how do you win at roulette? The key is to focus on staying ahead of the edge and knowing when to stop.
For example, let’s suppose you bet black and win on 10 consecutive spins. You are ahead of the edge. If you were to continue spinning tens of thousands of times, your profit would predictably erode. Remember, the house edge will always emerge over time. So, if you want to win at roulette, know when to stop.
The problem that ensnares roulette players who use fancy roulette betting systems is that they try to apply mathematics and probability to the game. In reality, roulette is purely based on chance.
Understanding The Role Of Chance

Round and Round She Goes, Where She Stops, Nobody Knows
Gamblers tend to gravitate toward systems, even when such systems are imaginary. The same is true for roulette fans. Players will often convince themselves that a certain color or number is “due.” For example, after the ball rests on 5 black numbers in a row, a player may believe that a red number is right around the corner.
Don’t give into that temptation. Just like flipping a coin, 5 heads does not increase the likelihood of tails coming up on the next flip. Roulette is random.
However there are dozens of strategies and systems out there and we will take a look at them below.
Roulette Strategy – Double Streets And Quads
The purpose of this roullette strategyis to spread your chip coverage while still giving yourself a reasonable opportunity to make a profit. Here’s how it works:
You’ll wager 2 chips on 2 double streets. You’ll also wager 1 chip on a quad or corner bet. Finally, you’ll wager 1 chip on a specific number. In total, you’ll have 10 chips on the board covering 17 numbers.
Here’s an example of how your overall bet might appear:
- 1st double street covered: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- 2nd double street covered: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
- Quad (or corner) covered: 26, 27, 28, 29
- Straight up number covered: 34
Suppose the ball lands on 6. A double street bet pays out 5 to 1, so your 2-chip wager returns 10 chips. You profit 6 since 4 chips are sacrificed to your other bets on the double street, quad, and straight up number.
Suppose the ball rests on 28. A quad bet typically pays out 8 to 1, so your 1-chip wager returns 8 and you profit 3.
If the ball lands on 34, your 1-chip wager will return 35 and you’ll profit 30.
Multiple Corners – Cover Much Of The Board
This strategy allows you to cover an even greater portion of the numbers than Roulette Strategy #1 (above). Here’s how it works:
You’ll bet 1 chip on each of 5 corner bets and 1 chip on a specific number that is not covered by a corner bet. That lets you cover 21 numbers. To give you a better idea of your coverage, consider the following example:
1st corner covered: 1, 2, 4, 5
2nd corner covered: 8, 9, 11, 12
3rd corner covered: 13, 14, 16, 17
4th corner covered: 23, 24, 26, 27
5th corner covered: 28, 29, 31, 32
Straight up number covered: 36
If the ball lands on any number within your 5 corner bets, your 1-chip wager will return 8 chips. Because you’ll sacrifice 5 chips to your other bets (the remaining 4 corner bets and the straight up number), you’ll profit 3 chips. And of course, if the ball lands on 36, your 1-chip wager will return 35, leaving you a profit of 30.
Betting On Columns 1 And 3
This strategy is based primarily on insurance by combining inside and outside bets. Here’s how it works:
You’ll bet 2 chips on column 1 and 2 chips on column 3. By doing so, you’ll cover all but 4 red numbers. To hedge your overall bet, you’ll also put 2 chips on black, thereby covering most of the 2nd column.
If the ball lands on any red number in the 1st or 3rd columns, you’ll come out even. If the ball rests on one of the 4 red numbers in the 2nd column, you’ll lose your 6-chip wager. If the ball hits a black number in the 2nd column, you’ll lose 2 chips. Finally, if the ball hits a black number in the 1st or 3rd columns, you’ll win 4 chips.
It’s not a very exciting strategy, but you can play for a long time and make your money last. If you are at a live casino it’s a great way to get “free” drinks while having a good time.
Martingale Strategies For Roulette – The Double Up Strategy
The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket. ~Kin Hubbard
This roulette strategy is one of the most popular. It is based on the martingale system. Essentially how it works is you double your bet whenever you lose. Eventually you will win and win back all your losses plus a smaller initial profit. The only problem is when you get on a really bad streak, the losses can add up quickly. If you are interested in seeing exactly how the betting sequence might work, check out our page on the roulette doubling strategy, aka the martingale.
Games of chance have a core group of aficionados who subscribe to one or more betting systems. In roullette, there are a number of strategies that offer a systematic method for placing wagers. One of the most popular methods is also one of the longest standing: the roulette double strategy.
Often called the Martingale System, the roulette double strategy attempts to help players recoup their losses and squeeze out profits along the way. Is the roulette double up strategy effective? On this page, we’ll explain how the roulette betting system works, describe its inherent limitations, and let you decide whether it suits your tastes in online sites like Bovada Casino.
How The Roulette Double Up Strategy Works
This betting system is based upon doubling each losing wager. By doing so, a player will eventually earn a profit equal to his original bet. The roulette double strategy operates under two assumptions. First, you should limit your wagers to “even money” bets. Second, the table at which you’re playing should allow a maximum betting limit that is high enough to accommodate losing streaks. This is typically done with red or black bets or odd or even.
We’ll explain how it works with an example:
Suppose your initial bet is $10 on red.
If the ball lands on a black number, you would double your next bet to $20.
If you were to lose that wager, you would double your next bet to $40.
If you were to lose again, then your next bet would be $80. And so on.
Let’s suppose you lose your first two bets. You now bet $40 and luck favors you, you win. The $40 would compensate you for the $10 and $20 losses from the previous two bets.
Plus, it would leave you with a $10 profit (equal to your initial bet).
One of the problems of the roulette double strategy is that you will quickly bump up against the table’s maximum betting limit. By your eighth bet, you will have doubled up to $640. Another problem is that you are left chasing a dwindling percentage return. For example, if you were to win your $640 bet, your overall profit would only be $10 (an amount equal to your first bet).
This double up strategy is a great way to play roulette.
Where To Try The Roulette Double Strategy
We’re not trying to suggest that you cannot be successful with the roulette double strategy. On the contrary, thousands of players trust this betting system exclusively. But, it is worth noting that the strategy does not curtail the house’s edge or the odds over the long run. Examples and the statistics behind the odds can be found here. Others enjoy taking a big risk for a big reward in trading options. Double or nothing options at binary options trading have caught fire in 2012 and many people like to trade binaries instead of the red or black, odd even strategies for roulette. Just avoid these brokers:
We recommend that you experiment with the roulette double strategy at Bovada Casino. You can download their free casino software or play online roulette free directly through your browser. You’ll enjoy complete flexibility; start playing with fake money and place real money bets whenever you’re ready.
Give the roulette double up strategy a spin to see how successful you are with it. Getting started only takes a minute.
Roulette Systems
Roulette systems have been used by players for generations. The goal is to somehow alter the house’s edge to give players a distinct advantage. In effect, these systems attempt to transform roulette from a game of pure chance into a predictable profit generator. Unfortunately, aside from wheel biases (i.e. worn tracks, balancing issues, etc.), roulette remains a game that is based completely on luck.
Having said that, there are many roulette systems that fans cling to in the hopes of improving their odds. Below, we’ll give you a brief overview of the most popular betting systems for roullette.
Martingale Roulette Systems
This strategy is used on a number of casino games and finds a perfect home in roullette. It is based upon doubling each losing bet until you win. For example, suppose that you bet $10 on red. The ball lands on a black number causing you to lose your bet. The Martingale roulette system recommends betting $20 on red. If you lose again, you should then bet $40 on red.
When you finally win, your doubled bet will compensate you for all previous losses and deliver a small profit. For example, if you win your $40 bet, the $40 profit will compensate you for your $10 and $20 losing bets while giving you a $10 profit.
The problem is that losing streaks can quickly decimate your bankroll. Remember, the ball is not “due” for red simply because it has landed on black seven times. Starting from a $10 initial bet, your eighth bet would be $640 which would likely cross the table’s max bet limit. Plus, at those levels, you’re putting a lot of money at risk for the chance of winning a marginal profit.
Grand Martingale Roulette Systems
Despite its majestic sounding name, the Grand Martingale betting system exacerbates the problem described above. The difference with this method is the addition of another betting unit on top of the doubled bet.
Let’s return to the example from the original Martingale roulette system. If you lose your initial $10 bet, you would double it and add an additional $5 for a total bet of $25. If you were to lose the $25 bet, you would double it and add $5 again (for a total of $55). While many fans of the Grand Martingale believe this accelerates their ability to recoup their losses, it usually accelerates those losses.
Labouchere Roulette Systems
This betting strategy is more flexible than the Martingale roulette systems. First, you determine the amount of money you would like to win. Then, you create a series of random numbers that add up to your desired winning amount. Next, you determine your wager by adding the numbers on the ends of your numbered series. You would wager that amount on any bet that pays even money.
If you win, you would cross out the two numbers on the ends of your series and use the remaining two ending numbers to determine the amount of your next wager. If you lose, you would add your losing wager amount as a number on the end of your numbered series.
Sound confusing? Here’s an example…
Suppose you want to win $18 (choosing this dollar figure is the first step). To match $18, you create the series 2-3-6-7. Your first wager would be $9 (or, 2 + 7) which would be put on an “even money” bet such as red/black or odd/even.
If you win, you would cross out the 2 and 7. Your next wager would be $9 (or, 3 + 6) and would be placed on another “even money” bet. Were you to win that bet, you would cross out the 3 and 6, and start over with a new series of numbers.
But, suppose you lost your initial $9 bet. In that case, you would add 9 to your numbered series (i.e. 2-3-6-7-9). Your next wager would be $11 (or, 2 + 9) on an “even money” bet. And on it goes until you clear your series.
D’Alembert Roulette Systems
A lot of roullette players enjoy the D’Alembert betting system because of its simplicity. It is based upon a progressive pyramid of wagers. You would lower your bet by a set amount (i.e. $1, $5, etc.) each time your previous bet won. On the other hand, you would increase your bet by the same amount each time your previous bet lost.
For example, suppose you begin with a $10 wager on black. If the ball lands on a red number, your next bet would be $11. If the ball had landed on a black number, your next bet would be $9.
Not as exciting as the other roulette systems, to be sure. But, your losses will not mount as quickly.
Live Roulette Exploit – Mechanical Wheel Bias
In 1982, U.S. roulette players were able to exploit mechanical tendencies in roulette wheels used in English casinos. While the exact amount of their winnings is unknown, it was reported to be significant. In 1986, a team of players took Atlantic City’s Golden Nugget for nearly $4 million due to similar mechanical biases. Thousands of avid gamblers are constantly on the lookout for a reliable roulette wheel bias. If such a predisposition can be discovered and exploited, it can potentially yield millions of dollars.
Below, we’ll explain the factors that can lead to a roulette wheel bias. We’ll also describe why they are all but nonexistent when playing the game online.
What Is A Roulette Wheel Bias?
Roulette wheels are mechanical by design. Unlike slot machines which are largely controlled by microprocessors, roulette wheels are made of metal, wood, and synthetics. They endure wear and tear over time. The frets which separate the numbered slots wear down; the track on which the wheel spins develops inconsistencies; the wheel itself begins to tilt slightly. Each of these circumstances can cause a roulette wheel bias.
A bias in the roulette wheel exposes a casino to savvy players who track such things. After studying a wheel for thousands of spins, bias attackers can pinpoint tendencies and use them to improve their odds. For example, a barely perceptible tilt might increase the odds of the ball landing on a number in one section of the wheel. As a result, a perceptive player will modify their betting strategy to take advantage of that tendency.
This type of roulette wheel bias is what allowed an engineer named Charles Jagger to “break the bank” in Monte Carlo in 1873. With the help of a small team, he walked away with $300,000, not a small sum for that year.
Is There A Roulette Wheel Bias Online?
Because roulette wheel biases are based upon mechanical parts that become worn or lose calibration, they don’t exist online. When you play Roulette online, the experience is driven entirely by a computer program. Having said that, even though you won’t be able to exploit a roulette wheel bias, you’ll still enjoy the playing experience.
Where To Play
- Bovada Casino - Our #1 pick. Offers single zero roulette for best odds.
- Slots.LV - If you like roulette and slots then this is the site for you.
- BetOnline Casino - Live dealer casino. Watch real dealers spin the roulette wheel.
- CloudBet - Play roulette with a variety of crypto currencies at this crypto centric online gambling site. Huge bonuses, provably fair games, live dealers and more.